Post by Figgles on Jul 11, 2022 16:08:28 GMT
Being that I am still banned from logging into ST, thus, cannot register to address Reefs myself, I'd highly appreciate it if someone who is partaking in the "not knowing" convo over there, would ask Reefs about the old quotes of his below.
Something 'aint adding up. His CC/Kensho experience where he says he came to realize that all appearing things are perceiving/experiencing, that now has him knowing for absolute certain that other people are experiencers/perceivers, in his description, came before the point below where he's referencing people as "not real/appearance only," and where he spoke of a "great deal of imagining in seeing a human body lying on sofa and turning that into a person that is sleeping and dreaming."
So it would seem at best, that his CC/Kensho realization did not immediately create a shift in what he then "knew for absolute certain" regarding appearing people/things....and at worst, that he's not being honest.
Also, he's he's never answered my previous questions as to whether or not he's had a shift in seeing from the time he said what he said below and what he's now saying about knowing that appearing people are perceivers.
As I say, if I was able to register for an account over on ST and partake...ask those questions myself, I surely would.
Post by Figgles on Jul 11, 2022 16:21:12 GMT
I wonder if I am the only one noticing that Sharon/Absicca, Ouroboros and Reefs share the very same view regarding the issue of 'knowing that appearing people are perceivers.' They all make the same logical fallacy that has a delusion at it's root that says; You have a walk/talk issue if you say the question is misconceived/answer unknown regarding the actuality of perception on the part of the appearing other. They ALL argue that the fact that the appearing other is engaged 'as though he is perceiving,' therefore means that you are taking the appearance of perception to 'be actual/Truth'...which is of course, a complete and utter nonsense. The entire world is but an appearance arising within/to awareness....they are suggesting that in seeing that, there's be a complete cessation of engagement with the appearing world. Again, a nonsense. They all say (using somewhat different wording, but also, there are overlaps...slip-ups perhaps?) that so long as you continue to engage appearing others as though they are perceiving, you'd a walk/talk issue. Anyway, my point in this post is more about the fact that those 3 apparently share the exact same fallacious view...seems odd. But then when you consider how often Sharon/Absicca/wren/Bak changes her handle, perhaps we're not really talking 3 different posters at all...? All I know is something fishy going on in the story/dream where that shifty, slippery 'ol Sharon character is concerned. I don't get where the inclination to continue to change a handle on a spiritual forum like that would have it's roots....an intent to deceive....? I dunno.
Post by Figgles on Jul 12, 2022 20:14:14 GMT
The assertion that there's a walk/talk issue for those who of us who say the appearance of perception on the part of appearing people is yet another empty appearance, because, we still treat others as though they are 'actual' perceivers has the exact same delusion behind it as; Seeing the world as an empty appearance, means nothing and has no impact at all, unless you cease to engage with the appearing world.
Seeing appearance as empty of existence/transcendent Truth does not mean a cessation of engagement with those appearances.
Reefs, when you insist that I am treating appearing people as 'actual' perceivers, or 'actual' anything at all, you are mistaking engagement with an appearance with taking that appearance as Truth/actual.
That would be like saying if you continue to engage with multiple, distinct things, then you are treating them as being actually separate.
Post by Figgles on Jul 15, 2022 17:55:52 GMT
Usually? Which therefore means, "sometimes" the quotes are not just an appeal to authority....sometimes they are used not to "bolster and erroneous argument," but sometimes they are used to "augment" and add to a pointer to Truth...which in that case means there is a deep understanding regarding the quote and it's context...which means, it's therefore not a "misquote/misinterpretation" at all. Context is everything with Niz....with all Truth-talk actually. The following quotes puts all talk about the way the world is experienced, (experientially known qualities and properties of the appearing world and all it's things) firmly in it's contextual place. "All perceivables are stains" -- Niz. "Is there a world outside your knowledge? Can you go beyond what you know? You may postulate a world beyond the mind, but it will remain a concept, unproved and unprovable. Your experience is your proof, and it is valid for you only. Who else can have your experience, when the other person is only as real as he appears in your experience? " - Niz "The world appears to you so overwhelmingly real because you think of it all the time; cease thinking of it and it will dissolve into thin mist." - Niz "That you hear is a fact. What you hear is not. The fact can be experienced, and in that sense the sound of the word and the mental ripples it causes are experienced. There is no other reality behind it." "As all waves are in the ocean, so are all things physical and mental in awareness. Hence awareness itself is all-important, not the content of it." - Niz " Before the world was, consciousness was. In consciousness it comes into being, in consciousness it lasts and into pure consciousness it dissolves. At the root of everything is the feeling "I am". The state of mind "there is a world" is secondary, for to be, I do not need the world, the world needs me." Could it be any clearer, Reefs? Consciousness is "prior to" all appearance....ALL percievables....which means, ALL property/quality. Consciousness is not a something that "IS conscious/alive," that then infuses itself as a substance into appearing things. Rather, all perceivables are temporal and owe their brief appearance to the abiding ground of consciousness...they are arising within/to consciousness, not 'objects/things' that embody/are imbued with 'the properties of' that abiding ground. It's a nonsense to even suggest that the abiding ground of consciousness HAS property/quality....and that's why your ridiculous cheese metaphor fell flat from the get-go....it hinged on a delusion/misconception. It's you who has misconstrued context of Niz's quotes in this case and mistaken the experience of the appearing world/perceivables as Absoluute Truth.
Post by Figgles on Jul 15, 2022 18:04:18 GMT
This is a ridiculous argument--that knowing true nature therefore means knowing all perceivables to be "alive, perceiving, experiencing."
What you've done there is render "true nature" into a quality/property...a perceivable something...a conceptual something.
SR reveals that ultimately, perception/experience is happening absent a perceiver/experiencer. What you are arguing for is the actual presence of a something/entity that perceives/experiences.
You've turned every appearing thing into an entity....THAT = the delusion of separation!
Oneness does not mean that everything that appears IS abiding and unwavering....the Source of seeing....perception...experience. An expression of the abiding ground never becomes itself 'abiding,'...so long as some-thing is appearing, distinction is arising....all distinction arises/appears within/to the abiding ground, not-separate, at One with it, but that does not mean that some property you imagine the abiding ground to have, then 'infuses' itself into the appearance/perceivable (temporal/ephemeral) some-thing.
When you speak of "suchness" you are licking a pointer and creating a middle/third layer to the Nonduality of ground/appearance.
Post by Figgles on Jul 15, 2022 18:14:10 GMT
Notice how you've changed your tact on what a "misconceived question" is? Reefs of yesteryear was adamant that misconceived questions were not 'resolved/answered' at all. Now you are saying that a misconceived question is not "resolved intellectually," but it can in fact BE resolved via direct seeing. Which is of course, utterly false...a delusion.
The question is seen through/seen to be misconceived and therefore, to have NO resolve/answer when separation...the SVP....the "perceiving/experiencing" entity/person is seen through...seen to be false.
What you are arguing for is a seeing through of the SVP entity/perceiver/experiencer, but then somehow a direct seeing that yes! actually, in Truth, each appearing person is indeed "an experiencer/perceiver."
Can you see why your assertion is so problematic/false?
The question of 'other perceivers/experiencers' is misconceived because in Truth, there are NO perceivers/experiencers.....even the "you/Reefs character" that you take to be a perceiver/experiencer, is falsely imagined!!!
There is no known answer/resolve to a misconceived question. No matter what kind of mystical, woo-woo, deep experience you have that seemingly says otherwise.
All misconceived questions are absent/devoid of 'knowing' the answer to it. I know mind does not like that....it feels very uncomfy, but like it or not Reefsy, its the Truth.
Post by Figgles on Jul 15, 2022 18:22:47 GMT
You've described perfectly above there what it means to see a particular question as misconceived. Any answer/knowing that might arise in answer/resolve to a misconceived question, is itself the equivalent of as you say, "bovine excrement." Thus, your assertion that you DO know, via your CC/Kensho "realization" that appearing people, paper-clips and yes, even steaming piles of bovine excrement are absolutely for certain, individually, discretely, distinctly, "experiencing/perceiving" is itself 'BE'...more commonly known as, BS!
Post by Figgles on Jul 15, 2022 18:40:28 GMT
It's only tricky IF it does not encompass the "entirety" of perceivables. Once the entire gamut of any-thing at all that arises within/to the abiding, unchanging ground is seen as such, it's crystal clear. Ideas are also appearances....so are the most nuanced of senses....thoughts, feelings, etc. Anything at all that 'arises' as an 'expression of' consciousness = appearance only.
This is why it's so important to see the entire appearing world/universe as all under the umbrella of "appearance only." There is no chance then of mistaking some-thing that arises in experience in some kind of woo-woo moment as Truth.
Again, it's odd how you continue to talk about me and my views, speculating away, while I continue to be banned from your forum and while you refuse to take me up on my invite to come here to speak directly to me. We could clear all this up through direct conversation instead.
If you really don't want anything to do with conversing with me, why is it you keep mentioning me?
Again, "ideas" indeed also fall under the umbrella of "appearance only," as does anything at all that is temporal and not abiding. That means objects/things, feelings, senses, ideas, thoughts....all of it.....perceivables...appearance.
This is why way back E and I were trying to pin you down regarding you insistence that all appearing things/objects are known for certain to be perceiving/experiencing....we wondered if something nebulous like a cloud was also included in that...then I went further to try to ascertain if other facets of the appearing world like thoughts/ideas/feelings/senses were also known to be perceiving or if your knowing just pertained to discrete/individuated objects/things. Seems it WAS just objects/things, but again, that's problematic when you insist there are NO things...just some kind of unified substrate/substance that exists between the abiding ground and the appearing/perceivable object/thing.
Post by Figgles on Jul 15, 2022 18:56:55 GMT
Holy shit!! Looks whose intellectualizing and licking pointers here! You are so clearly conflating the pointer "true nature," with "some-thing/quality/property." The idea that there is some kind of quality/property that can be realized to exist 'within' appearing thing/objects is a complete and utter nonsense. It is what you used to call "pointer licking" at it's finest. You mean like your 'ol stinky "cheese" analogy? "If it's all cheese.... therefore...." Doesn't SR reveal that individual perceivers/experiencer/doers are all delusions? Once you see through a delusion (see the oasis/mirage has no water) do you still continue to believe in actual perceivers/still continue to try to fill your canteen with water? On one hand you seem to be saying that yes, the perceiver/experiencer/doer all get seen through....seen as false/delusion, but then you circle back around to say that via a CC/Kensho, you've realized the perceiver/experiencer/doer to be actual....to have existence. But YOU are the one arguing for a realized 'knowing that the appearing person is perceiving/experiencing.' Which means, you know for Absolute certain that there ARE individual perceivers...individual experiencers. You are very confused. On one hand you insist the answer the the questions of whether an appearing person is a perceiver can be answered affirmatively, but on the other you seem to be asserting a collapse of the appearance of individuation. You can't have it both ways. The only reason you know of an appearing person (to then say you know "IT" to be a perceiver/experiencer) is because of the appearance of a person/body/character. Absent that....what is there to 'know about'? Yes, ultimately, it's all Self...but that does not render an apparent distinct object, as known for certain to BE experiencing/perceiving. You have mistaken 'true nature,' for 'perceiver/experiencer.'
Post by Figgles on Jul 15, 2022 18:58:43 GMT
Bang-on there Satchi!
But now, apply that to your insistence that practice is a sure and causal path to SR.