“26 May 2021 is the AZTEC date of the beginning of the SIXTH SUN- The ETHER SUN!!
This is a Time of Shift in Consciousness.The Sun changing Frequency causes a massive shift for humanity.Humanity will be forced to awaken. We will take charge of our Emotions and sexual Energy.we have been on this journey since 2012.
The FIFTH SUN is called the “THE SUN Of SOLAR JUSTICE which is under the influence of the Underworld. It drove people to look outside themselves.The Aztecs say that the end of this age will be depicted through the destruction of Economic,Political, Religious, Social, Environmental and Psychological Structures that which we had considered to be the
Foundations of our society to be , will now be destroyed.
It is a sun of justice and Those who do not follow any path of transformation will face their collective catastrophes.
The 6th Sun is the Colour White. It assists with the highest transformation of consciousness that humanity has ever seen, of being self responsible and aligning ourselves with the rhythm of the universe and thereby remembering who we are and what it is that we came here to Do.
It talks about consciousness shifting from age of Dog to age of Monkey ie
It indicates a shift from a time from which Humans dictated the terms to a Time when NATURE will dictate the terms. A time of authentic Freedom.
They call the 6th Sun the Ether Sun, the Ether being perceived as the glue that holds reality together.”
“The fifth sun was a "sun of light", which means that people only looked outside themselves for God, health, protection, spirituality, which gave authority to the patriarchal energy of control and the external illusion of the system.
The sixth sun is a different one than the fifth sun is a "dark sun", which means that we will now look inward in the dark for introspection, guidance, creation, a shift towards feminine energies.
It is believed that under the blood eclipse under the sign of Sagittarius there will be a great frequency jump that will shake the control systems, (government) since they can no longer sustain themselves in the new energy of the sixth sun.
The shift ties in with the lunar eclipse.” ~Pema Albani